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睡直了别趴下:“贪睡支架” 坐着也能睡觉!

2023-05-12 10:05:04来源:魔方格


It might look like something the doctor ordered for a neck injury. 看起来是不是很像脖子受伤时遵医嘱带的设备?

But this odd contraption could provide a solution for commuters faced with the embarrassing problem of falling asleep on fellow passengers.但这款看起来有点奇怪的装置,能为通勤的上班族解决一个非常尴尬的问题:他们再也不会睡着歪倒在旁边乘客的身上了。

According to manufacturers, The UpRight Sleeper, allows the user a "peaceful slumber while sitting up straight in a car, train or plane". It is the latest in a line of so called "snooze accessories".根据生产商的介绍,这款名叫“直立睡眠器” 的贪睡支架可以让使用者“在车里和飞机上身体保持直立状态也能享受舒适睡眠”。这款产品是该公司生产的一系列“贪睡神器” 的最新设计。

The £25 frame contraption, which looks remarkably similar to a neck brace, is adjustable so it can sit under the chin or go up around the forehead.这款支架售价25英镑,看起来非常像颈托,位置可以低至下巴可以高到额头附近,使用者可以根据自己的习惯自行调节。

It moves around to accommodate different head shapes and sizes, and a back strap is fitted between the wearer"s back and seat to keep everything in place.贪睡支架可以灵活进行调整,可适用于各种不同的头部形状和尺寸,后面还有一根肩带可以将佩带者的背部和座椅固定在恰当位置。

It promises to revolutionise the way people sleep while travelling and put an end to embarrassingly falling asleep on the shoulder of fellow passengers or having to use a table as a pillow on planes and trains.这款产品宣称要改变人们在旅途中的睡觉方式:人们再也不会遭遇睡着后歪到旁边乘客肩膀上的尴尬,在飞机或火车上睡觉的时候也不用趴在桌子上。

A spokesperson for the firm said: "It’s 100 per cent adjustable for every face shape and size.该公司的发言人表示:“这个支架可以完全适合所有脸型和大小。”

You simply throw the strap over your head. Tilt your head upward. Trap the strap, which is patented, between your back and the seat. Lean back, relax your head and go to sleep." “你只要简单地用肩带将自己的头部固定住就行。头部保持直立状态,在背部和座位之间系上肩带(这是我们的专利产品),身体靠在椅背上,头部放松就可以入睡了。”

The bizarre product is even available with a decorative cover.这款奇怪的产品甚至还有一个装饰用的罩子可以选择使用。
